Good Vision
Price : INR 150Good Vision
(Price : INR 150) Summary :Good vision is a collection of 20 English poems by Dr.Arun Kumar S and published by Good Writters, August 2022. Good Vision means clarity of vision. There is always a war in the minds of people between good and bad. The victory of goodness in the war is Good Vision. About the poems ‘Modern Naranathu’ is contrary to Old Naranathu. He is an onlooker of everything. He finds solutions for all burning problems of society. ‘Oasis’ is about friendship. ‘Unpardonable Crime’ tells the plight of a person who questions the Government. ‘Poetry’ is a defenition of poems. ‘Good Vision’ is full of morals and general truths. ‘The Dog Went to the Market’ is a sarcasm on modern politicians. ‘Existence’ tells the stuggle of existence of a women inmodern indian society. ‘Firing’ is most striking. It tells the selfless works of a women for the wellbeing of hte family. She is burning like a candle. She has no complaints. Last line ‘while immersed in the smoke’ has double meaning. It even symbolize her premature death because of heavy load of work. The language of the book is simple and lucid.It is a must read book. In fact this book is a treasure to the readers of English Literature.